Plant passport registration number: 14194
Pot Size: 9 cm ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ Organic ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ |
*Alpine. Creeping habit. Deep red leaves, small white flowers in Summer. Good ground cover. Sun or partial shade. Pot Size: 9 cm ⋅ Organic ⋅ |
Pot Size: 1 L ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ |
*Perennial. Ht.60cms.Green leaves with soft lilac flowers 7-10. Good for pollinators. Sun. Pot Size: 1 L ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ Organic ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ |
*Alpine.Ht.10cms. Deep metalic green leaves with sky blue flowers in spring. Good ground cover. Excellent for pollinators. Shade or partial shade. Pot Size: 9 cm ⋅ Organic ⋅ |
*Alpine. Ht. 10cms. Bronze leaves with blue flower spikes in spring. Good ground cover. Excellent for pollinators. Shade or partial shade. Pot Size: 1 L ⋅ Pollinator friendly Organic ⋅ Pollinator friendly |
*Alpine. Ht.15cms. Large bronze leaves with huge blue flw spikes in spring. Good ground cover. Excellent for pollinators. Shade or partial shade. Pot Size: 1 L ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ Organic ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ |
*Perennial. Ht.30cms. Ladys mantle.soft lime green flowers in late spring. Good ground cover. Shade or partial shade. Pot Size: 9 cm ⋅ Pollinator friendly Organic ⋅ Pollinator friendly |
Plant passport category ⋅ Wild Flower Wood anemone. Found in our native woodlands. White flowers in early spring. Ht. 10cms. Shade Pot Size: 9 cm ⋅ Plant passport category ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ Wild Flower Plant passport category ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ Wild Flower |
Perennial. Ht.60cms. Double red/white flowers May-July. Partial shade. . ⋅ Pot Size: 9 cm ⋅ . ⋅ |
*Perennial. Ht. 30cms. Large flowers. Pink, blue, white. April-June. Sun or partial shade. Pot Size: 9 cm ⋅ Organic ⋅ |
Albine. Ht.10cms. Evergreen. Deep pink flowers. In spring. Sun. Pot Size: 9 cm ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ |
Bulb. Tall deep blue flower spikes. Ht.60cms. Flowers in May. Good for pollinators. Sun or partial shade. . ⋅ Pot Size: 2 L ⋅ . ⋅ |
*Alpine. Ht. 5cms. Deep blue ‘hairbell’.like flowers in summer. Sun or partial shade. Pot Size: 9 cm ⋅ Organic ⋅ |
Pot Size: 9 cm ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ Organic ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ |
*Perennial. Sprays of delicate pale blue/white flowers, brighten up a shady border. Ht. 190cms. Flowers June – July. Partial shade. Good for pollinators. Pot Size: 9 cm ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ Organic ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ |
*Alpine.Lilac/ blue flowers 4-9 Ht. 8cms. Sun or partial shade. Pot Size: 9 cm ⋅ Organic ⋅ |
*Perennial.White flowers with violet centre.5-7.Ht. 60cms. Good for Bees and other pollinators. Sun. Pot Size: 9 cm ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ Organic ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ |
*Perennial.Sky blue flowers .5-7.Ht. 60cms. Good for pollinators. Sun. Pot Size: 9 cm ⋅ Organic ⋅ |
Pot Size: 9 cm ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ Organic ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ |
Pot Size: 9 cm ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ Organic ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ |
*Alpine.Shooting star. Ht.30cms. Magenta /red flowers April-May. Dry Shade. Pot Size: 9 cm ⋅ Organic ⋅ |
*Perennial. Ht. 90cms. Pink daisies, bronze cone centre.6-9. Good for pollinators. Sun. Pot Size: 1 L ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ Organic ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ |
Pot Size: 9 cm ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ Organic ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ |
*Alpine. Ht.8cms. Masses of pink/white daisies from April to September. Free drained soil. Good for pollinators. Sun. Pot Size: 9 cm ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ Organic ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ |
Perennial. Sea Holly. Ht.40cms. Blue flowers in mid. Summer. Good for pollinators. Sun. . ⋅ Pot Size: 1 L ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ . ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ |
*Perennial.Ht. 40cms. Masses of tiny white flowers. Good for pollinators. Sun or partial shade. Pot Size: 1 L ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ Organic ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ |
*Perennial. Ht.60cms. White flowers late spring. Good shade plant. Pot Size: 1 L ⋅ Organic ⋅ |
Evergreen cranesbill. Excellent ground cover. Pink flowers May-July. HT. 30cms. Partial shade or shade. Well drained soil. Good for pollinators. Pot Size: 9 cm ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ Organic ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ |
*Perennial. Large flat heads of pink flowers 6-9. Ht.60cms. Excellent for pollinators. Sun. Pot Size: 9 cm ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ Organic ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ |
Perennial. Ht.60cms. Red,mauve,pink flowers all summer. Good for pollinators. Sun. Pot Size: 9 cm ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ Organic ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ |
Uncategorised Pot Size: 9 cm ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ Uncategorised Organic ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ Uncategorised |
*Perennial. Ht.40cms.Violet and red pea flowers in March-April. Delightful. Free drained soil. Sun. Pot Size: 1 L ⋅ Organic ⋅ |
Perennial. Deep blue flowers 6-8. Ht.40cms. Good for pollinators. Sun. . ⋅ Pot Size: 9 cm ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ . ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ |
*Alpine. Creeping. Dark green fern like leaves with tiny white flowers in Summer. Excellent shady ground cover. Shade. Pot Size: 9 cm ⋅ Organic ⋅ |
Dark red leaves with spectacular scarlet flowers in late summer. Ht. 8cms. Moist soil in sun or partial shade. Pot Size: 1 L ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ |
*Perennial. Pale blue flowers 8-10. Ht.80 cms. Good for pollinators. Moist. Partial shade. Pot Size: 9 cm ⋅ Pollinator friendly Organic ⋅ Pollinator friendly |
*Perennial. Ht.80cms. Deep violet blue flowers late summer. Good for pollinators. Moist. Partial shade. Pot Size: 1 L ⋅ Pollinator friendly Organic ⋅ Pollinator friendly |
. ⋅ Pot Size: 9 cm ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ . ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ |
*Perennial. White flower spikes 8-10. Ht.40cms. Good for pollinators. Moist. Partial shade. Pot Size: 1 L ⋅ Pollinator friendly Organic ⋅ Pollinator friendly |
Compost ⋅ Local Delivery Only Available for local delivery and collection only. Compost ⋅ Compost ⋅ |
Perennial. Ht 90cms. Tall catmink with lilac flowers all summer. Excellent for bees. Sun. . ⋅ Pot Size: 9 cm ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ . ⋅ Organic ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ |
*Perennial herb. Ht.30cms. Golden oregano. Mauve flowers summer. Good for bees. Sun. Pot Size: 9 cm ⋅ Organic ⋅ |
Perennial Ht. 60cms. Dark foliage. Pale blue scented flowers. Flowers April- July. Partial shade. . ⋅ Pot Size: 1 L ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ . ⋅ Organic ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ |
Pot Size: 1 L ⋅ Pollinator friendly Organic ⋅ Pollinator friendly |
*Perennial. Ht.50cms. Deep burgandy red flowers all summer. Good for pollinators. Partial shade or sun. Pot Size: 9 cm ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ Organic ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ |
Perennial herb. Ht.30cms spread 80cms. Blue flowers in spring. Good for pollinators. Sun. . ⋅ Pot Size: 9 cm ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ . ⋅ Organic ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ |
Pot Size: 9 cm ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ Organic ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ |
Uncategorised Pot Size: 9 cm ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ Uncategorised Organic ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ Uncategorised |
Perennial. Ht.45cms. Large purple/blue flower spikes in summer. Good for pollinators. Sun. . ⋅ Pot Size: 9 cm ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ . ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ |
Perennial. Ht.45cms. Large pink flower spikes in summer. Good for pollinators. . ⋅ Pot Size: 9 cm ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ . ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ |
*Alpine. Ht.10cms. Small blue scabious flowers in early summer. Good for pollinators. Partial shade or sun. Pot Size: 9 cm ⋅ Pollinator friendly Organic ⋅ Pollinator friendly |
*Alpine.Mound of green,red stemmed leaves. Yellow flowers in spring/summer. Well drained soil. Good for pollinators. Sun. Pot Size: 9 cm ⋅ Organic ⋅ |
*Alpine. Ht.5cms. Clear blue flowers with yellow centre in spring and summer. Good for pollinators. Sun. Pot Size: 9 cm ⋅ Organic ⋅ |
*Grass. Ht.40cms. Pony tail grass. White fluffy flowers 6-10. Sun. Pot Size: 9 cm ⋅ Organic ⋅ |
Pot Size: 9 cm ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ Organic ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ |
*Alpine. Creeping red flowers in spring. Good for pollinators. Sun. Pot Size: 9 cm ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ Organic ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ |
Creeping thyme with lilac flowers. Yellow,green and cream foliage. Sun. well drained soil. Good for pollinators. Pot Size: 9 cm ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ |
*Alpine. Creeping with white flowers in spring. Good for pollinators. Sun. Pot Size: 9 cm ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ Organic ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ |
Spikes of purple flowers on a compact plant. Flowers June-september. HT. 60cms. Sun. Moist soil. Pot Size: 1 L ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ Organic ⋅ Pollinator friendly ⋅ |